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August 18, 2021

📊 Intent Stats: How do the different Intents perform?

You can now find out about this by clicking on the intent view. There you will find an individual analytics section for each intent.

We remember – there are performance-oriented answers, where the click on a link counts as reaching a goal. And there are rating-oriented answers, which usually serve an informative purpose and therefore conclude with a rating question.

At a glance

What is there to analyse in feedback-oriented responses?

  • Relevance: How often is the intent requested?
        • Trend: How has the intent developed in the last 12 weeks?
  • Evaluation: Has the intent been helpful? (🟢= 👍, 🔴= 👎)
        • Trend: How have the ratings developed in the last 12 weeks?
Image #1

For intents that are performance-oriented, the view looks similar. Only the lower area regarding the ratings is missing, as these intents do not contain a rating question.

What do the stats help with?

✅ They give you a quick and interesting overview of the performance of the different intents that the chatbot serves.

✅ Thanks to the trend detection, you can quickly recognise any fluctuations and act accordingly, e.g. if negative ratings accumulate.

✅ You directly notice a growth in requests for a certain intents. Apparently the relevance of the intent is growing - here it could possibly be worthwhile to expand the intent and enrich it with further elements in order to help users even better.

💡 There are many more actions and possibilities that you can conclude from the stats. Our recommendation: Be creative and try things out. You can see how your changes perform in the stats at any time.

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